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Sharon has been volunteering at Loaves & Fishes for several months now and has become a valued member of our team. So we thought it would be a good idea to give her the opportunity to share her volunteering journey with you.

Before I started volunteering at Loaves & Fishes I had been through some tough times and was lacking in personal confidence, I felt I had no purpose in my life, no joy. I had heard that I could get some help in the cafe so I popped in for a chat and a food parcel. For some reason I felt better after sharing my struggles with the person in the cafe so I kept coming back. After a while I decided to apply to volunteer and after a chat with Joanne I started helping in the kitchen serving coffees, cooking food and cleaning.

“Every time she comes in, she brings a smile to my face. Her presence is a reminder to me that we can all find joy in the dark times.”

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful woman who has left a positive impact on my own life. This lady’s husband passed away due to complications related to COVID-19, she was struggling emotionally and financially with her loss and grief. Despite all of the difficulties she has faced, she has remained strong and resilient. She is now a regular in the cafe and we have become good friends. Every time she comes in, she brings a smile to my face. Her presence is a reminder to me that we can all find joy in the dark times.

“Surprisingly, volunteering has been a way for me to find my way to Jesus through the morning devotions and prayer times.”

Volunteering is not just about giving back to my local community and helping those who need it most. Additionally, volunteering has helped me in my own life. It has helped grow my relationship with my children, I feel much happier, healthier, and more joyful. Surprisingly, volunteering has been a way for me to find my way to Jesus through the morning devotions and prayer times. I am now reading my Bible which is specifically for dyslexic people – I never knew they existed.

I can honestly say that I have found confidence, joy and a purpose in my life.


Almighty God, Thankyou that you have blessed Loaves & Fishes with the presence of Sharon. We pray that you keep her safe and continue to poor out your joy and reveal more of your plans for her life. In Jesus name, AMEN

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